Author: Sarah Shore

Every computer owner should regularly clean the printer's cartridge to ensure that ink will not splatter on the documents. The cartridge nozzle has to be unclogged at least once a month to ensure that printing goes without a hitch. The following key tips should help you get this chore done.

Get To Know The Various Parts Of The Printer

Look for the manual of the device and then find out which parts are located where. Cleaning instructions can be understood easier and better if you know where exactly to locate the parts mentioned in the instructions. Find the print head, the ink, the stepper motor, the stabilizer bar, the paper feed assembly and the interface ribbon of your inkjet printers.

Keep in mind that not all printers have these parts in them. Whether you are using cheap canon ink cartridges or Lexmark x2650 printer cartridges, you should know what makes up your printing device.

Clean The Cartridges Using Your Computer.

Locate the printers and faxes option in your computer. Just click on start and settings and you can see Printers and Faxes in the list. But it depends on how your start menu was configured. It also depends on what type of computer you are using.

Once you have located the printer you want to clean and calibrate, right click it. After right clicking it, a pop up box will appear. Choose Properties from the menu to go to the Properties dialog box.

Check out the specific cleaning options of the cartridge. You can refer to your printer cartridges' manual again to check the options. In other cases, you need only to go to the search portion of the menu.

Options will appear. Choose the appropriate one for your printer cartridges. Wait for the machine to finish self cleaning. It will automatically clean and unclog the nozzle. If no cleaning option pops up, you should check the maintenance program. It really depends on the manufacturer of your printing device.

To prevent blotches on the documents you are printing, make sure you run the above-mentioned cleaning tips right after refilling your printer's inkjet cartridge.

Cleaning The Entire Device Is Essential

Before cleaning and calibrating the cartridges, you might want to clean the whole printing device first. It is important to clean the whole device to avoid breakdowns in the future. You will need a glass cleaner, paper towels, cotton pads, gloves and a small rod or a pencil.

To do this, you need to turn the printer off first. Unplug it. Remove the cartridge. Some printing devices will not allow you to remove the cartridge when it is not turned on. If you have this kind of printing device, remote the cartridge first before turning it off and unplugging it.

To avoid staining your hand with ink, wear rubber gloves. Make sure it is a close fitting pair of gloves so you can work on the printing device easily. You might also want to wear a dark-coloured apron just in case the ink splatters on you. Never touch the metal part of the cartridge. This might damage the communicator of the device to the printer.

Check the printer cartridges first if they have ink and print head. Separate the print head from the cartridge. Don't clean the cartridge specifically. You can do that using the previously-mentioned tip. Just clean the print head.

Get the paper towel you prepared and fold it in fourths. Spray the glass cleaner on one side of the folded paper towel. Start wiping the bottom part of the cartridge first. Do not get frustrated if ink keeps on coming out. This is just normal. Just stop wiping when you feel like it has been wiped clean even if there is still a bit of ink coming out of it.

Get the print head gain and wipe it on the surface of the folded towel. Wipe the head in small rectangles on the paper a few times until you get a star-like position. When you install the printer head back to the cartridge, it should look cleaner now.

You can also clean the ribbon and the ink reservoir. Gently wipe the ribbon with a tissue paper. Use the rod to poke hardened ink on the parts. To get rid of most of the grime on the ribbon, just spray glass cleaning solution on the tissue paper before using it to clean the ribbon. Now you are done cleaning your printer and the printer cartridges whether you are using cheap Canon ink cartridges or Lexmark x2650 printer cartridges

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About the Author

Sarah Shore writes articles for Cartridge Shop, one of the leading suppliers in the UK for printer cartridges and toner cartridges. All of the top brands are available, including cheap Canon ink cartridges and Brother toner cartridges. They also supply customers with printer and PC accessories, including specialised printing paper and cleaning products for your printer. One of the most popular individual cartridges are the Lexmark x2650 printer cartridges, in both colour and black.

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