By Michael Somers

There are a lot of great blogs out there, with wonderful bloggers who write informative and interesting pieces. A lot of times, though, they are not marketed the way they should be. The following article contains helpful strategies that you can use to help you get readers to become followers, which can eventually turn into customers.

When writing about a product, write your blog post in a way to subtly suggest that your reader would benefit from the product. Talk about how you use the product and how helpful it has been to you, but do so without sounding like a commercial.

The content in your blog needs to always be fresh with up to date information and topics. Write a new blog post at least once or twice a week. You want your readers to continue to return, and send their friends, but if they don't see new posts, they'll stop coming to read your blog.

Include many different types of posts in your blog. Some of your posts should be personal so your readers can get to know you, relate to you and realize that you are a real person. This will help them develop a relationship with you and look to you as a friend. All of your posts don't need to be personal, though. Include informative posts as well. Your blog should have a topic, and write about whatever that is on a regular basis. This will keep your readers returning to read what you write.

Review products. Since many people read blogs, they are a great way to market products or services. You will find that many companies will offer you free products or services if you will try them out and do honest reviews on them. Consumers will more than likely buy a product if they see how a real person that they have a relationship with feels about the product being reviewed.

Use social media as a way to market your blog. There are millions of people that use social media; make a fan page for your blog on Twitter and Facebook. This is a great way to get your name out there. It's also a great way to interact with your readers. Interacting with your readers will make them more apt to want to visit your blog and see what you've got going on. This is a great way, too, for your readers to share your blog with the people on their friend's list.

Run contest regularly. Who doesn't love a giveaway or a contest? Your readers do, that's for sure. Once a week or a month, or on a more regular basis, have a contest or a giveaway for your readers. This is another thing that will get readers to return to your site. This will also help your readers to want to share your blog with friends.

Guest post on another blog. Posting on another blog will get you more readers. Allow the webmaster of the blog you posted on to come to your blog and do a post as well. By doing this you will be growing your followers.

Your content will bring in readers or cause them to leave. Enticing your readers with your blog's content is easily done if you go about it the right way. Use the tips in the above article and you'll be able to successfully grow your audience.

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