By Jeanne Lovely

Once your talents have been used to create your website, launch the site and now you are onto the next step which is advertising. What about keeping your site fresh? Do you know how to develop a website once it has been created?

This may sound like a silly idea but in reality it's not. The big "guru's" do it, and if it works them then don't you think that you should do it too? You don't have to completely remodel your site, but you do need to keep it fresh.

In the Beginning

Once your website has been launched, you turn your attention to other tasks that you need to do such as advertising. This is a natural process for any new site. However, you also should be keeping track of who visits your site, where did they go on your site, what did they do while they were there and how long was the visit.

The answers to these will show you how to develop a website to make it better. The answers determine if your site is user friendly and if it is what the people want. Your website should be attractive, enticing and encourages a call to action. The site must be user friendly and offer useful information. This is a testing period; are the colors right, are the fonts easy for your visitors to read, is there too much to see and do or not enough?

Research has shown that certain colors, shapes, and even the placement of things on a website have a great deal to do with how successful a website is. I am sure that you have heard of "feng shui" This is a Chinese system of aesthetics meaning how something is arranged or looks will affect the one who sees it. Well, there is a certain system for websites too, unfortunately, the system can change as people change.

Keep it Fresh

Think about how your tastes change and how often do they change? One year you may like every shade of green and the next year it's every shade of blue. People's tastes are constantly changing and to be a successful business owner, you need to keep up with those changes. Every Internet entrepreneur should update their website every once in a while.

One of the most important aspects about how to develop a website after it's been up and running for awhile is the content. Every website should have some type of content in the form of articles. As technology and the world in general advances forward, the information on your site should change too.

For example, if your website is about child car seats, there are a number of different brands available and there are always new colors and styles being released. Car seats are somewhat personable due to color and comfort. Child seat laws seem to change too, so you need to keep that information current as well. You wouldn't want someone to obtain information that was from 2005, you want to give them 2011 information.

Try out different colors, move videos or images around to give your visitors something new to look at. You don't have to go crazy and in time you will know how to develop a website and make it even better.

Jeanne Lovely is a successful Internet Marketer helping people with Step-By-Step systems to get a website online.

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