A computer must implement the protocol stack consisting of the Internet Protocol Suite in order to communicate through the internet system. A protocol is a standard format for doing a particular task. In computer networking, communication protocol is defined by set of rules that should be followed by all computers connected to a particular network to communicate data to each other. A communication protocol could be implemented by hardware,software or combination of both.
The complete set of communication protocol layers, that provides communication capability, is known as communication protocol stack. It is structured as hierarchy of layers,in which one layer supports the upper layer and uses the lower layer. Hence it is named as stack. Each layer performs a particular set of tasks, that involves transmission and reception of data. Generally the lower layers handles the transmission and reception mechanism, while the upper layers covert the raw data into meaningful information which could be easily understood by the application software. If any of the layer starts malfunctioning, the entire communication system goes haywire, for which network support is provided by many Computer support providers.
Brief History
The earliest version of Internet Protocol Suite was APRANET, which was developed in 1969 by Defense Advanced Project Research Agency. APRANET comprised computers that were connected through a packet switching system. Though initially server client protocol was used ,but later it was replaced by host to host protocol. The protocol was named Network Control Protocol or NCP. In the year of 1972, protocol designers developed the capability of connecting terminals to variety of hosts using low speed, high speed and wireless systems. The development of Transmission Control Protocol started in 1973 with the aim of connecting large computers. In 1975 a two network TCP/IP communication test was successfully performed. Later four versions of TCP were developed, namely TCP V1, TCP V2, TCP V3 and TCP V4. In 1982 TCP/IP was declared as a standard for computer networking. Along with network protocol, network support for the protocols also been evolving over the years.
Communication Layers Of Internet Protocol Suite
Encapsulation method is used by Internet Protocol Suite to create protocol concept. Encapsulation is defined as a method of designing modular communication protocol, which logically separates networking functions from their underlying structures by information hiding. Encapsulation allows division of Internet Protocol Suite into general functionality. The Internet Protocol Suite has four layers,namely Application Layer, Transport Layer,Internet Layer and Data Link Layer. This model is not a rigid one, which new protocols have to match in order to be recognized as a standard.
Application Layer
The Application Layer is the topmost layer of the Internet Protocol Suite. It consists of all methods and processes that are required for process to process communication through an internet protocol network. The services of the underlying Transport Layer are utilized by this layer to establish host to host connection. Though there is no subdivision of application layer in the Internet Protocol Suite, some internet application layer protocols have sublayer. There are two types of applications layer protocols, i.e. User Protocol and Support Protocol. User Protocol provides service to the user directly, while the Support Protocol provide common system functions. If the application layer starts malfunctioning, the application designer could take the help from a professional network support provider to resolve the problem.
Transport Layer
The Transport Layer is responsible for providing communication services, such as connection oriented data stream support,multiplexing,flow control and reliability. Some of the Transport layer Protocol provide connection oriented communication across data network. Nowadays many Computer support providers are rendering transport layer solutions to the customers.
Internet Layer
Internet Layer is a group of protocols which transmits data packets from the originating host to destination device over the network. It performs three basic operation.
1. It receives outgoing data from the transport layer,forms the data packet and passes it onto the data link layer.
2. It receives incoming data packets from data link layer and extracts data from data packet and presents it to the transport layer.
3. It detects error in the data packets.
Internet layer designs are provided by many network support providers.
Data Link Layer
The Data Link Layer is the lowest layer in the Internet Protocol Suite. It consists of methods that operate on the physical link. The core methods are Address Resolution Protocol, Neighbor Discovery Protocol, Reverse Address Resolution Protocol,etc.
Computer Support For Internet Protocol Suite
Since the entire communication process depends on all the four layers, any severe problem in any of the layers could completely stop the process. In such an eventuality, the service from a network support provider could resolve the problem easily. At present, many Computer support providers are rendering internet solutions.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/networks-articles/network-support-for-internet-protocol-suite-5283431.html
About the AuthorChristie Hemme is one of most heralded content writer of www.pccarencure.com. Pccarencure offers 24x7 Computer Support, Network Support, PC Support, IT Support, to millions of customers, via Remote Computer Support, from expert technicians.
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